About Transformation + Creativity Coaching

You deserve support whether you’re struggling or thriving. Into early adulthood, I experienced so much shame around asking for help and not having it all “figured out”—and I vowed to change that for myself and the people I care for. Coaching creates space for awakening to our most whole selves, trusting in our own resourcefulness and creativity, and stepping into all that is possible for us.

My process focuses on coaching for transformation—I work with all aspects of the self and life experience while acknowledging social/cultural structures that are present. I facilitate connection to mind, body, and spirit through discovering deep and loving self awareness, developing alignment with personal needs and values, and committing to action based on authentic accountability.

Everything we experience is a passageway toward something new; a new version of ourselves and our world. Whether you’re approaching a career crossroads, languishing in a creative rut, or anticipating a big life shift, I’d love to support you in getting from where you are to where you are meant to be.

About Writing + Book Coaching

You want to write a book because you have something important to share with the world. You’re not sure exactly where to start, or maybe you’ve begun the journey once (or several times). Perhaps you have a few chapters or a complete manuscript languishing on your desktop, ready for the next step. Maybe you have the inspiration and energy to write, but getting from ideasbook feels like a big, mysterious, mushy mess. Or maybe you haven’t written a single word.

You’re yearning for guidance, structure, and accountability to take on a book-writing project from wherever you are—and it’s the exact place in which I’m hoping to meet you. I know the publishing business and I know writing a book isn’t a small feat, but it is absolutely possible.

The publishing industry at large will have you believe that writing a book is only for elite, experienced, experts who already have an audience of millions. They’ve designed it to work this way! But it doesn’t mean there’s no room for you and your voice. I’d like to share what I’ve learned from decades in publishing, because becoming an author (bestselling or otherwise) isn’t magic—it’s a craft that requires commitment, curiosity, and a bit of organization. The magic part is you.

I’m on a mission to shift how publishing works and who gets to showcase their words on a bookshelf. It’s only possible if you write your book, and if we’re ready to shed the old familiar forms and trust in what’s newly possible.

About Katel

Katel LeDû is the founder of Liminal Bloom, a coaching practice for creative people seeking to work and grow from a place of deep self-trust. She is the former CEO of A Book Apart and coauthor of You Should Write a Book (A Book Apart, 2022). She has supported dozens of writers, artists, and visionaries to bring about personal and professional transformation.

Katel enjoys mentoring college and high-school aged folks in writing and leadership. She also loves taking time to walk long distances, make large format embroidery and macrame pieces, and learn the secrets of life from her snaggle-toothed mutt, Hugo.


Member, Association of Coaches and Coach Training Organizations

Certified Professional Coach, Leadership That Works

Associate Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation